5 ways nature can nurture your creativity

How time offline and the great outdoors can nourish your creativity and help you have the ‘lightbulb’ moment.

5 ways nature can nurture your creativity
Creativity is often seen as a mythical force that comes and goes at will. Some think of creativity as something you have or you don't, and there's no way to cultivate it. In fact, creativity is innate, something that we can all tap into. The secret sauce? Nature. The outdoors can be a huge help, nourishing your creative spirit and inspiring new ideas. Obviously, we’re recommending getting in the outdoors without phones distracting your mind.
Time offline and in nature can spark original ideas
Time offline and in nature can spark original ideas

Nature helps you tap into your subconscious

Your subconscious is the part of your brain that processes information without your awareness - storing memories and new skills while you go about your day. If you're trying to come up with an idea or solve a problem, trying too hard can actually get in the way. Overwhelming your conscious mind with competing thoughts and ideas can cause a busy environment for creative juices to flow. That's where time offline in nature comes in.
Studies have shown that people who spend time outdoors are more likely to focus and concentrate on a task, as they're less distracted by outside influences. Studies also suggest that because your brain is exposed to more oxygen and higher levels of dopamine in nature, it's far better at focusing on ideas and solving problems.
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." Albert Einstein

Nature boosts your brain power

Spending time in nature can improve the way your brain functions. Nature helps your mind focus, boosts your energy levels, and reduces activity in the part of your brain that causes stress and anxiety. In short, nature helps your brain do its job.
One study found that people who spent a day in a natural environment had greater focus, concentration, and mental energy than those who spent time in an urban setting. Other studies have shown that when people spend time looking at natural landscapes, their brains experience far less activity in the area linked to stress and anxiety.

Nature is an endless source of inspiration

The natural world has long been considered a resource rich in creative inspiration. Whether you want to draw, write, or just come up with a new idea - nature will always be there to help you have the 'eureka' moment. It takes away active thoughts, giving your brain space to think. A term called ‘soft-fascination’.
Spending time in nature (and away from your collection of screens) will give you the space to think more freely and creatively. Nature also has an unparalleled ability to replenish your energy levels, so it's an ideal solution if you're looking to climb out of a creative funk, or distract yourself from a bout of writer's block.
So open the patio door and join the creative minds who drew inspiration from nature, such as Van Gogh, Monet, Beethoven, Virginia Woolf, and Gauguin.

Nature improves your mental wellbeing

It's no great secret that nature greatly reduces stress and gives your mood a much-needed boost. In fact, research has found that spending time outside decreases cortisol levels (a hormone related to stress) by 24%, which can help stave off depression and make you feel much happier overall.
Stress creates an environment that makes it much harder to come up with creative solutions and ideas—there's simply not enough mental bandwidth for it. The natural world is a vital source of calm and quiet, and spending time in it releases stress hormones and helps your brain focus on problem-solving. It's this 'unblocking' that provides the mental clarity you need to be creative.

Nature helps you switch off

Your ability to think creatively is dependent on your ability to switch off and find calm—and nature can help you do just that. When you're in a natural setting, your senses are heightened. You notice more things around you, and any unhelpful thoughts racing through your head are put to the back of your mind. In his book 'Catching the Big Fish', director David Lynch states that:
"If you want to catch little fish, you can stay in the shallow water. But if you want to catch the big fish, you've got to go deeper. Down deep, the fish are more powerful and more pure."
Lynch means that creativity is nurtured and nourished in a quiet, peaceful environment—what better place than the great outdoors?
Immerse yourself in nature at Woody in the New Forest
Immerse yourself in nature at Woody in the New Forest
Now that you know the ways in which nature can nurture your creativity, why not get out there and try it for yourself? You don’t have to be an artist or a writer to benefit from tapping into your creative side. It can help you find new solutions to everyday problems, feel more relaxed and happy, and improve your mental health. Where better to do so than your very own digital detox cabin in the heart of the country? Book your stay with us here.

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