Unplugged Journal

Everything you need to know about digital detoxing, wellbeing and switching off every once in a while.

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The benefits of listening Sleep Stories for deep sleepThe benefits of listening Sleep Stories for deep sleep
How to use Skinner’s Law to avoid procrastination and screen time habitsHow to use Skinner’s Law to avoid procrastination and screen time habits
The rise of running clubs: why we’re choosing IRL over online connectionThe rise of running clubs: why we’re choosing IRL over online connection
3 hacks to make your phone less addictive (that actually work)3 hacks to make your phone less addictive (that actually work)
The surprising benefits of hugging (and how many you actually need)The surprising benefits of hugging (and how many you actually need)
What did people do before the internet?What did people do before the internet?
What is Sunset Therapy? The benefits of watching the sun rise and set What is Sunset Therapy? The benefits of watching the sun rise and set
3-3-3 Technique: A simple grounding method to calm anxiety3-3-3 Technique: A simple grounding method to calm anxiety
Why you should stop using screens before bed and 5 ways to stop it Why you should stop using screens before bed and 5 ways to stop it
Louisa Schmolke: How A Digital Detox Ignited My CreativityLouisa Schmolke: How A Digital Detox Ignited My Creativity
Briony Machin: Reconnecting with My ‘Why’Briony Machin: Reconnecting with My ‘Why’
Work-Life Waves: Is it possible to get true work-life balance?Work-Life Waves: Is it possible to get true work-life balance?
The 40-minute brain reset to boost attention span The 40-minute brain reset to boost attention span
Why you should stop using your phone in the morningWhy you should stop using your phone in the morning
Hustle Culture Myth: Why you should be less productiveHustle Culture Myth: Why you should be less productive
What is “star bathing”? And how to do itWhat is “star bathing”? And how to do it
Text vs Call: Why you should pick up the phone more oftenText vs Call: Why you should pick up the phone more often
Frankie Penwill: Going Back to RootsFrankie Penwill: Going Back to Roots
Why you should try a ‘brain-dump’ before bedWhy you should try a ‘brain-dump’ before bed
6 tips to get better night’s sleep6 tips to get better night’s sleep