Milestone FOMO and 5 ways to beat it

Do you feel like you should be achieving more? Social media causes us to be a constant state of comparison, where Milestone FOMO creeps in. So what is it, and how can you beat it?

Milestone FOMO and 5 ways to beat it
In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with updates of other people’s life achievements, it’s easy to feel like we’re falling behind. Social media is a place where people showcase their best bits: buying a new house, celebrating a big promotion, or the frequent "I said yes!" caption. And whilst you’re genuinely happy for them, there can be a bit of panic if you’ve not reached that stage yet. That’s what we call “Milestone FOMO”.

What is Milestone FOMO?

Milestone FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is the anxiety or stress we feel when we believe we’re not hitting traditional life goals at the same pace as our peers. Think getting married, buying a house, having kids, or landing a dream job. It’s that sense of "falling behind" when everyone else seems to be ticking those big boxes.
In the UK, where getting on the property ladder or securing a stable career can already feel like an uphill battle, these feelings are especially common. Add in the curated perfection of social media, and the pressure to keep up can feel overwhelming.

How Milestone FOMO Makes Us Feel

Feeling like you’re “behind” can take a serious toll on your mental health. You might find yourself:
  • Anxious or panicked about the future ("Will I ever be able to buy a house?")
  • Comparing yourself to others, leaving you feeling inadequate or like a failure
  • Low in confidence and questioning your choices
  • Stuck in a rut, unable to move forward because of the weight of self-doubt
It’s also exhausting. Constant comparison can make you feel unsettled and as much as you know that everyone’s journey is different, logic doesn’t always win.

5 Ways to Beat Milestone FOMO

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by everyone else’s highlight reels, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Here are 5 practical tips to help you shift your perspective and take back control:

1. Define Your Own Timeline

Forget society’s checklist of where you “should” be by 20, 30, 40, or 50. Your life isn’t a race and the people you see hitting milestone early are usually in the top 1%. Take some time to think about what you actually want, rather than what you think you should want.
For example, do you actually want to own a house, or is it something you’ve been conditioned to strive for? Once you define what success looks like for you, it becomes easier to block out the noise.

2. Acknowledge and Accept Your Feelings

It’s completely normal to feel FOMO and worry that you’re on a different timeline. Instead of brushing it off or feeling guilty, acknowledge your emotions. Ask yourself, "Why does this milestone matter to me?" Sometimes, it’s less about the milestone itself and more about feeling part of the group.
💡 Tip: Journaling your thoughts can help you untangle why you’re feeling this way and what truly matters to you.

3. Limit Social Media Use

Let’s be honest: social media is a breeding ground for comparison. We used to only see our immediate surroundings, but now we see life achievements of everyone around the world.
  • Take a short break from social media if you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Curate your feed to include accounts that inspire and uplift you
  • Remember: people only share their highlights, not the struggles behind the scenes

4. Celebrate the Little Wins

Life isn’t just about the big milestones. Those smaller victories – like getting through a tough week at work, prioritising rest or being there for your friends – are just as important.
Make a habit of recognising and celebrating your progress, no matter how small. Over time, these little wins will add up to something much bigger.

5. Focus on Gratitude

It might sound cliché, but practising gratitude can genuinely shift your mindset. When you’re feeling low about what you don’t have, take a moment to reflect on what you do have. Friends, family, health, opportunities – there’s usually more to be grateful for than we realise.
💡Tip: Write down three things you’re grateful for each evening. It’s a simple habit, but it can help you refocus on the positives.

Remember: You’re Not Falling Behind

The truth is, life isn’t linear. Everyone’s journey looks different, and timelines are largely arbitrary. Just because your best mate bought a house at 28 doesn’t mean you’re a failure for renting at 30. Success isn’t about hitting the same milestones as everyone else; it’s about building a life that feels meaningful to you.
So, the next time Milestone FOMO sneaks in, take a deep breath, log off Instagram, and remind yourself: you’re exactly where you need to be right now.

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