The Science-Backed Brew: Should You Swap Coffee for Matcha?

Looking to avoid the caffeine slump? Tired of the increased anxiety and coffee jitters? Say hello to matcha, the green elixir that’s taking the wellness world by storm.

The Science-Backed Brew: Should You Swap Coffee for Matcha?
Oh coffee - you are an essential part of most peoples morning routine, but your monopoly on morning beverages might be coming to an end.
Many people have began swapping coffee for something green. Matcha, the green elixir that has recently boomed in popularity has been proven to shower your body with an array of health benefits. Additional to it’s glowing green aesthetic, there is scientific evidence that supports matcha's ability to supercharge your health and well-being, making it a compelling choice over your regular cup of coffee.

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a type of green tea, made from the powdered leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Like coffee, it contains caffeine but at a lower level (70mg vs 100mg) which avoids the spike-crash experience of coffee.
It boasts a unique composition, rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Compared to coffee, it offers superior nutritional value - providing a wealth of nutrients essential for a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that matcha contains significantly higher levels of antioxidants, such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), than other green teas.

What are the benefits of Matcha?

1. Contains antioxidants

Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting the body against oxidative stress and cellular damage. Matcha is a powerhouse of antioxidants, with studies revealing that it contains 137 times more EGCG than regular green tea. These antioxidants have been linked to a reduction in inflammation, improved immune function, and decreased risk of chronic diseases.

2. Improves focus

Matcha offers a unique combination of caffeine and L-Theanine. L-theanine, an amino acid abundant in matcha, promotes relaxation and focus without inducing drowsiness. Research also indicates that matcha's combination of caffeine and L-theanine can enhance cognitive function, improve attention, and elevate mood. Additionally, matcha has been linked to neuroprotective effects and the prevention of age-related cognitive decline.

3. Boosts your metabolism

Matcha has been associated with boosting metabolism. Research suggests that matcha's thermogenic properties can help increase fat oxidation and enhance calorie burning during physical activity. Furthermore, studies have shown that consuming matcha can lead to a higher rate of fat oxidation during exercise compared to a placebo.

4. Avoids the caffeine slump

Compared to coffee, matcha provides a gentle and sustained energy boost without the crash. A study found that matcha contains about 60mg per cup, which is lower than coffee but enough to provide a noticeable increase in alertness. You can get a steady energy boost for up to 3 hours from matcha, versus the sharp spike and crash of coffee.

5. Keep you calm

The calming effects of L-theanine can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Many people find consuming coffee can spark anxiety or the ‘coffee jitters’. Matcha instead combines caffeine with L-theanine which have been linked to better sleep quality and more ease in getting to sleep.
The benefits of drinking Matcha is scientifically proven to boost your mental and physical wellbeing, which is why so many are beginning to swap it out for their usual morning coffee. Why not give it a try next time you reach for your coffee!

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