A Guide: How To Digitally Detox At Home

We’re becoming increasingly addicted to our devices and we need to be mindful on how this is impacting our sleep, focus and relationships. Here’s our How To Guide on how to digitally detox at home

A Guide: How To Digitally Detox At Home
We check our phone around 28 times an hour. That’s nearly 350 times in a day. And every time we check our phones, it can take about 23 minutes for you to fully refocus on what you were doing. In the UK, studies show that the average screen time has skyrocketed to over 6 hours per day, with 50% of UK adults spending over 11 hours in front of devices since the pandemic - yikes.
As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology, it's important to take intentional steps to disconnect and digitally detox to maintain strong focus, productivity and mental wellbeing. If you're looking to establish a healthier relationship with your phone and other devices, here are 5 tips to help you achieve a successful digital detox at home.

1. Switch off notifications

Notifications can be a major source of distraction and contribute to the constant urge to check your phone. If you see a message request on Instagram, your curiosity is peeked and you’re way more likely to check your phone and then get stuck in scroll hole.
Consider turning off non-essential notifications or enabling "Do Not Disturb" mode during designated phone-free times to minimise interruptions and help you stay focused.
Unplugged Top Tips
  • Switch off notifications for social media apps
  • Utilise Do Not Disturb mode during work, dinner or when with family and friends

2. Create “phone-free” zones or days

Designate certain areas in your home as "phone-free" zones. The easiest places to do this are the dinner table, the bedroom and the sofa. Keep your phone out of reach or even in another room to minimise distractions and allow yourself to fully engage in the present moment without the constant pull of notifications.
You can also set aside days of the week that you will not be on your phone. Weekends are the easiest day to do this when you’ll be engaging in offline activities with friends or family. Try a Screen Free Saturday and just switch you phone off to be fully present.
Unplugged Top Tips
  • Charge your phone overnight in another room so it’s not next to your bedside
  • Buy an old school alarm clock or Lumie light to avoid scrolling in the morning
  • Encourage other members of your household to partake to hold each other accountable

3. Set intentional phone usage times

If you factor in time during your day to check in on instagram, you’re more likely to refrain from doing so at random times during the day. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or checking emails throughout the day, set intentional phone usage times. For example, schedule 15 minutes in the morning, afternoon, and evening to check and respond to messages, and avoid constantly picking up your phone in between. This will help you stay focused and reduce unnecessary screen time.
Unplugged Top Tips
  • Plan in 15 minutes ONLY to check social media or respond to message
  • Challenge yourself to a Screen Free Saturday or Sunday where you won’t check your phone at all
  • Set a timer so you know when you put your phone down

4. Use screen time control apps

Checking your phone can be habitual. You pick up your phone without really realising and then open social media by default. By installing screen time controls on your phone, you will get a notification when you open apps or have a delay before the app opens to give you time to be mindful.
Our fave apps
  • Opal (£8 a month with 7 day free trial)

5. Plan in offline activities

Engaging in activities that don't involve screens can help you break free from the constant pull of digital devices and reconnect with the present moment. Playing sport, going for a walk or reading in a coffee shop are all easy ways to remove yourself from the pull of screens.
Unplugged Top Tips
  • Do a ‘Games Night’ instead of watching TV one night a week
Taking intentional steps to establish a healthier relationship with your phone and other devices can greatly improve your productivity and mental wellbeing. Studies show that reducing screen time and distractions can increase focus and productivity. So, why not take the first step towards a more mindful and balanced digital life by implementing these tips for a successful digital detox at home?
Remember, it's important to be kind to yourself and find a balance that works for you. Digital detox doesn't mean completely cutting off technology, but rather creating healthy boundaries and being intentional about your usage.
Need a kickstart to a better relationship with your phone? We offer 3 night digital detox cabin escapes where you can lock your phone away. Having an intentional space where no phones are allowed is a great starting point to better your relationship with your devices in everyday life. Book your escape here.

Fancy time away from the screen?

Recharge your batteries by going off-grid for 3 days. Backed by science - you will feel more calm, relaxed and creative after your digital detox.

Book Your Digital Detox Cabin

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