How to make your own dopamine menu

Instead of scrolling when you’re bored, creating your own a dopamine menu can help you kick the habit of reaching for your phone.

How to make your own dopamine menu
Do you often find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media to cure boredom? Or simply out of habit? Reaching for your phone has become an automatic response to boredom or stress, and even though it might provide a quick dose of escapism, it often ends up feeling like a waste of time and leaves you feeling more bored than before. But you continue to rinse the cycle on repeat.
Well this is because scrolling gives you a quick hit of dopamine - one of the “feel-good chemicals”. But there’s a tonne of other ways you can boost your dopamine, that can boost your mood and motivation, without reaching for your phone. Enter - the dopamine menu.

What is dopamine? And why do we crave it?

Dopamine, otherwise known as the “motivator molecule”, is a neurotransmitter in the brain that plays a key role in how we experience pleasure, motivation, and reward. Whether it’s finishing a work task, enjoying a good meal, or scrolling through Instagram, dopamine is released when we do something that feels rewarding. It’s what makes us seek out activities that we enjoy — but not all sources of dopamine are created equal.
While scrolling through social media provides a quick and easy dopamine boost, it’s a short-lived fix. That’s because our brains are wired to take the path of least resistance to get that reward, and scrolling social media is so easy.
Over time, chasing these quick dopamine hits can make it harder to focus on long-term goals that require more effort but bring greater fulfilment. So how can we balance out our need for dopamine without falling into the trap of endless scrolling? This is where the dopamine menu comes in.

What is a dopamine menu?

Made popular on Instagram and TikTok (oh the irony), a dopamine menu is a list of activities that provide a sense of reward and satisfaction without needing to rely on your phone. Think of it as a cheat sheet for mood-boosting tasks you can refer to when you’re feeling low, bored, or just looking for something productive to do.
By having a dopamine menu on hand, you can avoid the temptation to reach for your phone and instead choose from a variety of activities that help improve your well-being more sustainably.
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How to create your own dopamine menu

Building a dopamine menu is easy and personal. The key is to include a variety of activities that range from quick hits of pleasure to longer, more fulfilling tasks - much like a restaurant menu. This is completely personal to you and what you enjoy, but here’s a few ideas to get you started:

1. Starters (quick + easy)

These are small, simple tasks that give you a quick boost of dopamine. They don’t take long but can quickly shift your mood. A few examples could be:
  • Stretching for five minutes
  • Grabbing or making a tea or coffee
  • A cuddle with your partner or pet
  • Tidying up a small space
  • Taking a short walk
  • Doing a small task like folding laundry or washing up
  • Clear your inbox

2. Main Course (more effort + more fulfilling)

These activities require a bit more effort and time but provide a deeper sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • Cooking a meal or baking
  • Working on a creative project (painting, writing, knitting)
  • Exercising (run, gym session, yoga class, or a home workout)
  • Have a long bath
  • Reading your book
  • Going on a long walk

3. Sides (pair well with others)

These are activities that can accompany another task, providing a steady stream of dopamine as you go about your day.
  • Listening to your favourite playlist while cleaning
  • Tuning into a podcast while cooking
  • Reading or listening to an audiobook during your commute
  • Call a friend

4. Dessert (enjoyable, but easy to overdo)

These are the things that feel good in moderation but can be easy to overindulge in — like screen time.
  • Watching an episode of a TV show
  • Playing video games for a set period
  • Browsing social media (with time limits)

5. Specials (less frequent, but extra rewarding)

These are activities you might not do every day but offer a bigger dopamine boost when you get the chance.
  • Going out for a meal with friends
  • Treating yourself to a spa day
  • Attending a live event or concert
  • Planning a weekend getaway
  • Self care like getting your nails done
  • Shopping or thrifting
  • Arranging fresh flowers for your home

How to use your Dopamine Menu in your daily routine

Once you’ve created your dopamine menu, the key is to make it easily accessible and part of your routine. Here are some tips on how to incorporate it into your day-to-day life:
  • Keep it visible: Print your menu and stick it to your fridge, desk, or even save it as your phone wallpaper. This way, it’s always within reach when you need a pick-me-up.
  • Plan ahead: Prepping your environment can help avoid distractions. For example, stock up on your favourite teas, have a playlist ready, or schedule your next workout in advance.
  • Set boundaries: If scrolling is your go-to dopamine fix, create some barriers. Set app time limits or try deleting distracting apps during the workweek to help break the habit.
  • Mix it up: Regularly update your dopamine menu. As you try new activities, add them to your list, so there’s always something fresh and exciting to look forward to.

The Benefits of a Dopamine Menu

By having a curated list of activities that bring you joy, you’ll find yourself relying less on your phone and more on activities that truly nourish your well-being. Not only will this boost your mood, but it will also help you stay focused on longer-term goals, like fitness, creativity, or learning new skills.
So next time you’re feeling that familiar urge to scroll, reach for your dopamine menu instead. You might be surprised by how much more rewarding your day feels!

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