Every week we hunt for the best tools that you can read, do, listen or watch to help you switch off in the everyday. These are our top 5 tech tools from 2022 that can help you tune out from wherever you are, in any moment.
1. Window Swap: Look through another perspective
Accessing nature, or a different view from your home or office can be tough if you live in the city. It’s been proven that even looking at pictures of nature can help you feel more calm. One of our favourite tools is Window Swap. You can swap your window for someone else’s in the world: Hawaii, New York, Cuba… Keep swapping until the view makes you feel calm. You can even hear the sounds from their window too.
2. Breathe Machine: Take a breathe
There’s science behind the phrase “Take a Breathe”. You can use your breathe to help manage anxiety, fitness and it also helps you fall asleep. If you’re new to breathwork, you can find out more about its benefits and some of the easiest techniques to add to your daily routine. Breathe Machine allows you to control how long you’d like to inhale, hold and exhale by following the inflating and deflating ball.

3. Just Do Nothing: 2 minutes of…nothing
Our brains are constantly engaged and stimulated by something, that we don’t give it time to rest. Yet we find it so hard to just sit and do nothing. We include “Do Nothing” by Celeste Hedlee in our cabins which explains the benefits of doing nothing. We negatively label ‘boredom’ as something to avoid, but it’s actually good for you and can help your brain function much more efficiently. So why not take 2 minutes, and do absolutely nothing. Calm have created a timer for you to exactly that.

4. Soothing soundtrack: Noizio
Down out the sound of traffic your neighbours and replace it with calming sounds of nature, or deep space. You can choose your theme and it’ll play music to help you relax or focus. Noizio has a free version and an app that means you can access calm whenever you need a little time out.
5. See the light: Lumie Lights
Using your phone in bed is a big no-no from us. The blue light emitted from your phone suppresses the production of melatonin that helps you get to sleep. 80% of us also use our phones within 15 minutes of waking up, which primes our brain for distraction for the rest of the day. Replacing your phone with a Lumie alarm clock will help you find calm in the morning by waking you up slowly to the sunrise mode. Some also have a sunset mode which helps light your room perfectly for falling asleep.