20 little things that aren’t little

We spend a lot of our lives focusing on the big things, but sometimes it’s the small moments in life really make us happy. Here’s our take on 20 little things, that aren’t actually little.

20 little things that aren’t little
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to overlook the small things—the little gestures, quiet moments, and simple joys that can go unnoticed whilst were busy staring at our phones or worrying about work. But it’s the seemingly insignificant moments are actually the ones that make days ‘good days’. It might be a stranger’s smile or compliment, a comforting touch from a loved one, or a fit of giggles with your best friend - these little moments are the ones you’ll remember forever.
The little things? The little moments? - They aren’t little.
Happiness doesn’t always come from the big moments. Often, it’s found in the little things that bring us joy each day—the warmth of the sun on your face, the smell of fresh coffee, or the sound of laughter filling a room. Being present and appreciating these moments allows us to live more fully and with greater gratitude.

The Impact of Technology on Presence

The irony of technology is that while it’s designed to connect us, it often pulls us away from the real-world connections that matter most. Studies show that excessive screen time can lead to decreased attention span, heightened anxiety, and reduced satisfaction in relationships. The constant influx of information keeps our minds in a state of perpetual distraction, preventing us from fully engaging with the world around us.
But the good news - by consciously choosing to be more mindful and popping your phone down as often as you can, you won’t miss the small moments. Below are 20 little things that aren’t so little, especially when you stop and pay attention to them.

20 Little Things That Aren’t Little

  1. When a stranger compliments or smiles at you
  1. Spending time with people who make you forget your phone
  1. Seeing an elderly couple holding hands while walking down the street
  1. The way a dog smiles at you with their eyes
  1. When someone says “this made me think of you”
  1. The warmth you feel when you step off a plane in summer
  1. Handwritten letters or notes
  1. The sound of real laughter
  1. Having days with no plans or responsibilities
  1. When you don’t have to set an alarm
  1. Being with someone you can sit in comfortable silence with
  1. Seeing someone you love have fun, so you know they’re happy
  1. When someone remembers your name, even if they’ve met you once
  1. People that genuinely listen to you when you’re talking
  1. When someone gives you a proper hug, so you know they love you
  1. Closing your laptop before the weekend
  1. Laughing so hard, that you cry a little
  1. Taking your shoes (or bra) off after a long day
  1. When you hit every green traffic light
  1. When someone puts their phone away when they talk to you
All these little things have a ripple effect. You might not think that switching your phone off at dinner is a big deal, but for the other people at the table, you show them you really want to be present. So as well as looking up to notice these little things, remember you can also play a part in giving other these moments.

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