10 digital habits to give up in 2024 to boost wellbeing

It takes an average of 66 days to break a habit, making Lent a great kickstart to fast from habits you want to shake. Here’s 10 actionable ideas to give up in 2024.

10 digital habits to give up in 2024 to boost wellbeing
How have you got on with your new year’s resolutions? No guilt triggering or exposés here. However, the majority tend to abandon their resolutions by the end of January, often because the goals are too ambitious or set for an indefinite period.
Lent provides an ideal opportunity to commit to a 40-day fast, giving up habits or luxuries we wish to eliminate. The usual fasts include sugar, caffeine or alcohol. But in the modern world, our digital habits tend to impact our wellbeing more than ever. So why not consider a digital fast? We’ve popped together a few tips to how to choose your fast and our ideas for 10 things to give up for lent in 2024.

It takes approximately 66 days to break a habit

Research suggests it takes an average of 66 days to break a habit, but some studies have shown that it can take as little as 21 days or as many as 254 days. Lent is 40 days, which is a great timeframe to kickstart breaking habits you want to shake.
There is no one-size-fits-all, as it depends on the type of habit, how engrained it is in your daily life and how consistent you are. A big factor in successfully breaking a habit is the perceived benefits you feel during your new routine - if you feel better from them, you’re more likely to stick to them. The hardest habits to break are those that trigger dopamine spikes, such as consuming sugar or scrolling social media, as dopamine causes the brain to crave doing it again.

How to set your own fasting goal

When considering what habits to fast from, it’s important to reflect on which aspects of your life cause frustration or feel counterproductive. Perhaps you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media, or maybe your smartphone use disrupts your sleep. Once you've identified these habits, set a goal that is both achievable and ambitious.
  • Identify what habits are making you feel unproductive or frustrated
  • Set a goal that is achievable, but ambitious enough to evoke change
  • Write it down or tell friends to help you keep to it
Set goals you actually keep to using the “Goldilocks’ method”.

10 things to give up for lent in 2024

1. Screens during dinner

A really easy habit to implement! Make meals an opportunity for human connection, quiet reflections or mindful eating.

2. Take a break from Instagram or TikTok

Taking a break from these platforms entirely can remind you how much time you actually have in a day, without mindless scrolling. If deleting these apps entirely is too much of a jump, then set a time limit for usage per day.

3. Using phone in the first 15 minutes of the day

Keep your phone away from your bedside or use a traditional alarm clock to prevent yourself from scrolling or checking emails first thing in the morning. Start your day with a walk or peaceful morning routine instead of diving into the digital world.

4. Working with your phone next to you

Keep your phone at a distance while working to minimise distractions and improve focus.

5. Commute unplugged

If you're not driving, use this time to read, reflect, or simply observe the world around you. A commute is a great time to reap the benefits of quietness and boredom.

6. Hitting Snooze

Instead of reaching for your phone to snooze your alarm, try getting up with your first alarm to start your day more decisively. Hitting snooze in the morning can disrupt your sleep cycle and make you feel less energetic and productive.

7. Using your phone after 9pm

Night-time scrolling or email checking isn’t good for your brain, or your sleep. Set a time in your evening routine where you leave your phone in another room.

8. Second screening

Watching TV while browsing on another device can fragment your attention. Try to focus on one screen at a time and avoid second-screening.

9. Browsing negative news

Bad news isn’t good for your mood or stress levels. Remove news notifications or browsing news apps to remove stress. If you still want to get news updates, we love The Know, which is a daily newsletter that condenses top headlines and includes positive news.

10. Nightly Netflix bingeing

Try replacing nightly Netflix bingeing with offline activities, like reading, a few evenings a week
Embracing a digital fast for Lent doesn’t just have to be about giving something up; it can be an opportunity to reassess and recalibrate your digital habits. By choosing to abstain from certain behaviours for just 40 days, you can be a great kickstart to change habits and create lasting changes that enhance your wellbeing. Remember, small changes over time can have a big impact on your overall well-being.

Fancy time away from the screen?

Recharge your batteries by going off-grid for 3 days. Backed by science - you will feel more calm, relaxed and creative after your digital detox.

Book Your Digital Detox Cabin

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