Soph & Jodie: Cooking Off The Cuff In Nature

Recipe Writers, Soph & Jodie, tell us how time offline left them with food for thought.

Soph & Jodie: Cooking Off The Cuff In Nature
Chapter 2 of the monthly Unplugged Residency welcomes Sophie & Jodie, two chefs who create delicious meals and inject fun into food through the vibrant and down to earth supper club, ‘Mixed Feedings’. Read on to see how a technology-free escape inspired the duo to cook al fresco with locally sourced ingredients.

Meet Sophie and Jodie….

Jodie is a recipe writer and food stylist who currently works as a food producer at the recipe hub Mob, which inspires 1.3 million instagrammers. Soph is a freelance producer, director and recipe writer. Together, we host supper clubs. A typical day for us starts with a brainstorm of our crazy ideas for the supper clubs. Soph is an organised queen (AKA the ‘momager’) and Jodie helps to bring all of the last minute magical touches. Together we work in harmony and develop the concept and recipes that represent our brand.
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Where do you find recipe inspiration?

We take inspiration from our childhood, the seasons and what we actually like to eat. We want all of our recipes to be god damn tasty at the core of it, so we don’t follow any rigid rules on cuisines, just making sure everything works together nicely. We work with bold flavours and lots of colour. We believe that people really do eat with their eyes so we focus a lot on the presentation of all our dishes. We want all of our food to excite people and bring them together.
“We want all of our recipes to be god damn tasty at the core of it, so we don’t follow any rigid rules on cuisines”
We want all of our recipes to be god damn tasty at the core of it, so we don’t follow any rigid rules on cuisines”

How were you feeling before you headed out into nature?

Both of us were burnt out, feeling uninspired and craving reconnection. We really wanted to spend time together that wasn’t just prepping for supper clubs. We needed to give our brains some space to think up some amazing ideas for 2024!

Tell us about your Unplugged experience.

Waking up to blue skies and the sound of birds was the breath of fresh air that we really needed. Cooking dishes with local produce really warms our hearts and inspires us - the Unplugged recommendations were really useful for that. We went on a walk to the farm shops and stumbled across a dairy farm where we met the producers of some really delicious, award winning cheeses. We took a couple of wedges back to Loki and enjoyed it with a glass of wine.
“The experience quite literally left us with food for thought.”
“The experience quite literally left us with food for thought.”

What was the highlight?

Cooking off the cuff, outdoors with local produce. We loved the simplicity - waking up, rolling up the blinds to a beautiful view and having our morning coffee in peace. Basking in the stillness of it all and being more mindful is something we take for granted. It was incredibly restorative and have us the time to reflect on what we have achieved this year as well as plan an ambitious 2024.
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What’s in the pipline for Mixed Feedings in 2024?

Mixed feedings came about because we both thought there was a gap in the market for a strong, female lead food duo who could shake things up a bit. The food scene can tend to be a bit boring and takes itself quite seriously - we think food should be fun and experiential. Ultimately, it has been built on a friendship. We have a fun, down to earth approach that allows people to resonate with what we are doing. You can expect creative, bold menus, vibes, music and pure joy! Watch out 2024!

What is a quote that you live by?

“If you put your mind to it you can achieve anything!”
“If you put your mind to it you can achieve anything!”
Manifest it baby! Jodie always says, life’s too short so just eat the cheese/bread/chocolate. This is something we both live by.

Recipe inspo incoming…

Head to Manns Got Munch for a shed loads of recipes to spice up your mealtimes.
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Head to the Mixed Feedings sign up page to keep updated on future supper-clubs and announcements:
Soph’s Instagram: @mannsgotmunch
Jodie’s Instagram: @jodienixon_

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