Unplugged Journal

Everything you need to know about digital detoxing, wellbeing and switching off every once in a while.

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Tait Miller: Taking the wilderness by the hand (+ Chicken Recipe)Tait Miller: Taking the wilderness by the hand (+ Chicken Recipe)
Sam Branson (aka Waves Rush In): A Musical Love Note to NatureSam Branson (aka Waves Rush In): A Musical Love Note to Nature
Louisa Schmolke: How A Digital Detox Ignited My CreativityLouisa Schmolke: How A Digital Detox Ignited My Creativity
Briony Machin: Reconnecting with My ‘Why’Briony Machin: Reconnecting with My ‘Why’
Frankie Penwill: Going Back to RootsFrankie Penwill: Going Back to Roots
Megan Parsons: How I went from corporate to creativeMegan Parsons: How I went from corporate to creative
Soph & Jodie: Cooking Off The Cuff In NatureSoph & Jodie: Cooking Off The Cuff In Nature
Harlie Briggs: How Nature Inspires My Art Harlie Briggs: How Nature Inspires My Art